


Hello there! I’m Enrico Nello, a Computer Engineer with MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering. I’ve had a passion for computing since my youth, which has shaped my academic paths until now. When I’m not geeking out 💻, I enjoy practicing wildlife photography 📸 and surfing 🏄‍♂️, hobbies that refresh my mind and enhance my creativity.

Feel free to check out my GitHub profile for more detailed insights into my coding activities and repositories.

🎓 Academic Background

Master’s Degree: Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering
University: University of Pisa, 2021-2024
Degree mark: 108/110

Bachelor’s Degree: Computer Engineering
University: University of Pisa, 2017-2021
Degree mark: 98/110

📄 CV

You can download my CV in PDF format by clicking the link below:

📬 Contact Information

If you need to reach out to me, feel free to email me at:

  • 📧 nello.enrico@gmail.com

Thank you for visiting my page!