
📸🖼️ Photography Portfolio Mockup Site

📸🖼️ Photography Portfolio Mockup Site

This project i developed back in the days showcase a ready-to-go mockup for an image portfolio site, designed to showcase your personal image/photography content effectively. The site is built using pure HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.

Key features include:

  • Admin Panel 🔐: Secure admin panel to manage content with default username/password as admin/admin. It is highly recommended to change these default credentials immediately after initial setup by editing values in the “admin” MySQL table.
  • Image Folder Manager 🗂️: A custom tool to manage, edit, delete, and upload photos efficiently.
  • Image Caption Manager 📝: Let you manage captions for images, making it easier to update and maintain descriptive text associated with each photo.

Live Demo 🌍

You can view a live demo of the portfolio site mockup at the following link: Portfolio Demo

Setup and Installation ⚙️

To get this portfolio site running on your own server, follow the steps described at my GitHub repo Here. (if you enjoyed this content please consider leaving a star ⭐)

Screenshots 📸

Here are some screenshots illustrating the portfolio site:

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