☕️ Social Network Site
☕️ Social Network Site
“Pausa Caffè” is an open-source social network platform written in pure HTML, CSS, JS, PHP with a MySQL database. This project was developed as part of the ‘Web Development’ exam during my Bachelor’s degree. The goal was to demonstrate the basic architecture of a PHP-based web application. Please note that all the code and comments on git are in Italian.
Features 🔍
Home Page
- Feed Viewing: See all updates from your contacts and your own posts, arranged chronologically from most recent to least recent.
- Interactive Actions: Engage with content posted by friends through comments and likes.
- Content Reporting System: Report inappropriate content for system administrator review.
- Navigation Bar: Access different sections of the site, search for profiles within or outside your friend circle through the navigation bar at the top.
User Profile Page
- Personal Information: Displays name, surname, date of birth, city of residence, interests, and occupation.
- Profile Picture: Showcases the user’s profile photo.
- Friends List and Gallery: View your friend’s list and personal photo gallery.
- Activity Summary: A chronological summary of recent activities involving the user.
Requests Page
- Friendship Management: Manage incoming friendship requests and view the status of sent requests.
Notifications System
- Real-Time Updates: Receive reminders whenever someone interacts with you, like receiving likes, comments on your posts, or when friendship requests are confirmed.
Admin Login
- Administration Panel: From the main page, log in with administrator credentials to access site management tools.
- Report Management: Decide the fate of posts flagged as “inappropriate” or delete them or keep them on the site.
- System Maintenance: Manage database and delete obsolete data.
- Data Analysis: Analyze user data, featuring statistics such as the city with the most registered users and the usernames of the most active users in the last week.
Live Demo 🌍
You can view a live demo of the portfolio site mockup at the following link: Portfolio Demo Note: It’s not possible to register new users for the moment, so you can try loggin in with one of the following toy account:
username: utente2 password: utente2 username: utente3 password: utente3 username: utente4 password: utente4
(note: site doesn’t fit on mobile, check it on laptop/desktop!)
Screenshots 📸
Here are some screenshots illustrating the social network site:
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