
🎭 Java Theatre Seat Booking System

🎭 Java Theatre Seat Booking System

“In Scena” is a Java FX-based application designed for managing bookings for theater companies. This project was developed for the “Advanced Programming” course during my bachelor’s degree and features a comprehensive system that allows users to book seats.

Key Features 🔑

  • Interactive Seat Selection: Users can visually select and reserve one or more seats from a graphical layout of the theater 🎟️.
  • Check Availability Search: Check availability by date, city, and time to find available shows quickly 🔍.
  • Database: Utilizes a MySQL database to store details such as city, show names, genre, theater names, and seat availability 🗃️.
  • Booking Summary: Provides a breakdown of reserved seat numbers, prices, and total cost 💸.
  • Analytics and Logging: Every click and action on the GUI is logged, allowing for detailed analytics and reporting to enhance future user experiences 📊.
  • Pie Chart Visualization: Displays the popularity of shows using a pie chart, offering insights into the most popular performances at a glance 🥧.

Setup and Installation ⚙️

To get the In Scena booking system running locally, follow the steps described at my GitHub repo Here. (if you enjoyed this content please consider leaving a star ⭐)

Screenshots 📸

Here are some screenshots illustrating the user interface of the theatre booking system:

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